Meet Rear Admiral (retired) Annie B. Andrews, the 3rd Black Female Admiral in the 247-year history of the U.S. Navy. With 32 years of service, Rear Admiral Andrews has been a trailblazer in the Navy and beyond, breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings with her bold and brazen leadership style.

During her time in the Navy, Admiral Annie recruited an impressive 40,000 sailors annually and led the training for 100,000 to deploy worldwide. Her exceptional leadership skills were recognized early on, and she was promoted to various leadership roles, including commanding officer of Navy Recruit Trainings Command, Director, Total Force Requirements and commander, U.S. Navy Navy Recruiting Command.

After retiring from the Navy, Admiral Annie took on a new challenge as a C-suite executive for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), where she was responsible for the strategic partnership of the largest transportation agency in the United States. She led human resource management efforts for 45,000 employees responsible for aviation in the U.S. and international waters, further showcasing her ability to lead with excellence and achieve success in any role.

Admiral Annie's' leadership style is grounded in her "3 A's" of successful leadership: Authenticity, Approachability, and Accountability. She believes that being authentic and approachable as a leader is critical to building trust and respect with team members. Simultaneously, approachability and accountability are the foundation of excellent leadership, ensuring that everyone is working and communication together towards a common goal.

As a native of Georgia, Admiral Annie is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. She embodies the spirit of bold and brazen women who have overcome barriers, shattered glass ceilings, and shifted paradigms in every area of life. Her life and career serve as an inspiration to women and men alike, and her leadership skills have guided thousands of individuals on their path to success.

Let's Explore Your PASSION, PURPOSE, & Be PERSISTENT About It!

Let's Explore Your PASSION, PURPOSE, & Be PERSISTENT About It!